Lately I’ve fallen into the trap of sacrificing harder creative work for tedious-but-predictable busywork. How to crawl out of the trap?
Continue reading “Don’t Keep Going for the Easy Win”Tag: fiction
New Ebook Live (and FREE, for a limited time): The Demon Lord is Apathetic
All members of my Patreon (INCLUDING the free members who are basically just using it like a monthly newsletter) can download the EPUB and PDF of this illustrated action-comedy from now until June 23rd. (Offer now expired, but here’s the page for history’s sake. The ebook, and soon the paperback, can be found for sale here.)
And/or read on. This is a quick little post about a not-so-quick, not-that-little story. Seriously, this PDF is 780 pages and everything had to be finely massaged to fit Amazon’s paperback printing regulations. (It’s still too long for hardback. Needs more massaging. Maybe someday.)
Continue reading “New Ebook Live (and FREE, for a limited time): The Demon Lord is Apathetic”The 5 Secret Rules of Catgirl System
It’s an old rusty crusty maxim by this point that limitation breeds creativity. Well, with Catgirl System, I started out knowing many things I wanted to include, but many many more things I didn’t. I gave myself limitations—on what characters could say, where they could go, and even the thinks I allowed them to think.
Some of them will make immediate sense to you while others seem a little more arbitrary. There are reasons behind them all.
So these are the five heretofore-unwritten laws of the Catgirl universe…!
Continue reading “The 5 Secret Rules of Catgirl System”The RoyalRoad Blue Box Metagame
(this is 75% shitpost)
Continue reading “The RoyalRoad Blue Box Metagame”Intros in LitRPGs…and Beyond
There’s something unique and oddly compelling about the first several chapters of your typical LitRPG. Unique, compelling, and…isolated.
Continue reading “Intros in LitRPGs…and Beyond”Thicken That Skin!
They say we feel negative emotions more strongly than positive ones. Maybe that explains why when I receive anything vaguely resembling negative criticism on my written work, I get unreasonably nervous.
Continue reading “Thicken That Skin!”Catgirl System is Now Live…!! (Plus a Brief Writing Update)
That’s right. I’ve started posting it online and slathering additional secret chapters on Patreon. Now that the advertising is out of the way, I can move on to…reflection!
Continue reading “Catgirl System is Now Live…!! (Plus a Brief Writing Update)”Productivity Talk: My Inner Ned, My Inner Homer
When I have a really successful week followed by a slack one, it’s like New Me seeing Old, More Successful Me across the backyard fence. New Me struggles to assemble a pool while Old Me happily trims the bushes.
“Hidely-ho, neighborino!” says Old Me.
“RRRAAAAAUGH!” screams New Me as the pool explodes.
Continue reading “Productivity Talk: My Inner Ned, My Inner Homer”Blue Box Madness (or: The Dark Side of Writing LitRPGs)
I thought the world of tables would be simple, straightforward. Instead, it is unfolding into a nightmare, corrupting me.
Continue reading “Blue Box Madness (or: The Dark Side of Writing LitRPGs)”The Creative Thrill is Gone?
I declare that my creative zest is at an all-time low.
Continue reading “The Creative Thrill is Gone?”