Productivity Talk: My Inner Ned, My Inner Homer

When I have a really successful week followed by a slack one, it’s like New Me seeing Old, More Successful Me across the backyard fence. New Me struggles to assemble a pool while Old Me happily trims the bushes.

“Hidely-ho, neighborino!” says Old Me.

“RRRAAAAAUGH!” screams New Me as the pool explodes.

Continue reading “Productivity Talk: My Inner Ned, My Inner Homer”

Running Around in Video Game Levels You’ve Completed Already For No Apparent Reason (and Then Also Looking at Maps)

It’s a time-honored tradition.

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A Talking Cat!?! Finally, A LitRPG Heroine We Can Believe In

Meet Taipha, the star of my LitRPG series in progress. She’s a cat. She’s a girl. Will she rule the world???

Read on to learn more about her…and her world!

Continue reading “A Talking Cat!?! Finally, A LitRPG Heroine We Can Believe In”