I feel like I’m working on fifty creative things but forty-nine of the things aren’t out yet!
Continue reading “I DO Have Irons in the Fire…u just cant see them yet >:( grrr”Tag: art
Take a Break: Let Your Body Catch Up with Your Mind
If there’s “no good reason” why you should feel burned out, yet you feel burned out, consider a rest. After that, your feelings might go, “Wait, it doesn’t seem hard anymore. …Huh.”
It sounds fake when I put it that way, but it’s been true for me.
Continue reading “Take a Break: Let Your Body Catch Up with Your Mind”The Artist Who’s Never Been Driven At All?
Some artists have a “creative mania.” They work day in and day out, like motors that feed on air. To outsiders, their path to artistry is simple—in the same sense as the simplest way to break into a bank is to pull out the battering ram. Just work tirelessly. Hammer it out. And it may even seem to happen spontaneously, involuntarily.
For me, though, it would take not only passion to reach this state (and…drugs?), but a lot of stifling work.
Continue reading “The Artist Who’s Never Been Driven At All?”The RoyalRoad Blue Box Metagame
(this is 75% shitpost)
Continue reading “The RoyalRoad Blue Box Metagame”The 5 Most Futuristic Covers Of All Space-Time
Some albums, books, or other cultural artifacts look very “of their time.” Others—at least in retrospect—look like downright time-travelers.
And a recent impulse buy has graced me with the most bizarrely timeless cover art I’ve ever seen.
Continue reading “The 5 Most Futuristic Covers Of All Space-Time”‘Tis the Season to Relax-y
I wiped out hard this holiday season.
Continue reading “‘Tis the Season to Relax-y”End the Slog: How to Write, Finish, and Have Fun Doing It
So you’ve written 500 pages of your novel. Problem: you need a hundred more before you finish. And it’s really wearing on you.
Continue reading “End the Slog: How to Write, Finish, and Have Fun Doing It”NEWSBLAST: December 2023
This is a free sample of the update posts I’ll now be uploading to my Patreon monthly. Check it out!!
Continue reading “NEWSBLAST: December 2023”Running Around in Video Game Levels You’ve Completed Already For No Apparent Reason (and Then Also Looking at Maps)
How to Write After You Break the Streak
I told the world I would write every day. Then I stopped for a week. And now writing is scary again.
Continue reading “How to Write After You Break the Streak”